John Donne's Poetry (Norton Critical Edition)

<p><b>“Donald Dickson's</b> John Donne's Poetry is the best text of Donne now available. It is scrupulously edited, and equally useful for students and for scholars.”—Harold Bloom, Yale University</p> <p>The texts reprinted in this new Norton Critical Edition have been scrupulously edited and are from the Westmoreland manuscript where possible, collated against the most important families of Donne manuscripts—the Cambridge Belam, the Dublin Trinity, and the O’Flahertie—and compared with all seven seventeenth-century printed editions of the poems as well as all major twentieth-century editions.<br> “Criticism” is divided into four sections and represents the best criticism and interpretation of Donne’s writing: “Donne and Metaphysical Poetry” includes seven seventeenth-century views by contemporaries of Donne such as Ben Jonson, Thomas Carew, and John Dryden, among others; “Satires, Elegies, and Verse Letters” includes seven selections that offer social and literary context for and insights into Donne’s frequently overlooked early poems; “Songs and Sonnets” features six analyses of Donne’s love poetry; and “Holy Sonnets/Divine Poems” explores Donne’s struggles as a Christian through four authoritative essays.<br> A Chronology of Donne’s life and work, a Selected Bibliography, and an Index of Titles and First Lines are also included.</p>

Author(s): John Donne  

ISBN 10: 0393926486
ISBN 13: 9780393926484
Pages: 400
Format: Paperback
Publication: November 2006
Edition: 3rd Edition
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Other books by John Donne

1. 'Life'; appreciations by Ben Jonson, Dryden, Coleridge and others; with an introduction and notes by H. W. Garrod Book (1971/09/23)
2. A Sermon Vpon the XX. Verse of the V. Chapter of the Booke of Ivdges Wherein Occasion Was Iustly Taken for the Publication of Some Reasons, Which Hi Paperback (December 2010)
3. A Declaration of That Paradox That Self-Homicide Is Not So Naturally Sin Paperback (July 2011)
4. Biathanatos
5. Biathanatos Hardcover
6. Biathanatos Paperback (September 2010)
7. Biathanatos Hardcover (September 2010)
8. Canciones Y Sonetos Paperback (2004)
9. Complete English Poems Paperback (August 1977)
10. Complete English Poems (Everyman's Library) Hardcover (October 1991)
11. Complete Poems (1973/06/01)
12. Complete Poems. Edited with Pref. Essay on Life and Writings, and Notes Volume 1 Paperback (August 2012)
13. Complete Poetry and Selected Prose Hardcover (1929/12/01)
14. Complete Poetry and Selected Prose (Nonesuch Press) (1989/07/01)
15. Complete Poetry and Selected Prose of John Donne
16. Death&#39;s Duel, 1632 Book (1969/03/01)
17. Devotions Paperback (August 2011)
18. Devotions Paperback (September 2011)
19. Devotions upon Emergent Occasions Paperback (April 1987)
20. Devotions upon Emergent Occasions Paperback (2004)

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