I'm a Stranger Here Myself: Notes on Returning to America after Twenty Years Away

After living in Britain for two decades, Bill Bryson recently moved back to the United States with his English wife and four children (he had read somewhere that nearly 3 million Americans believed they had been abducted by aliens—as he later put it, "it was clear my people needed me").  They were greeted by a new and improved America that boasts microwave pancakes, twenty-four-hour dental-floss hotlines, and the staunch conviction that ice is not a luxury item.

Delivering the brilliant comic musings that are a Bryson hallmark, I'm a Stranger Here Myself recounts his sometimes disconcerting reunion with the land of his birth.  The result is a book filled with hysterical scenes of one man's attempt to reacquaint himself with his own country, but it is also an extended if at times bemused love letter to the homeland he has returned to after twenty years away.

Author(s): Bill Bryson  

ISBN 10: 076790382X
ISBN 13: 9780767903820
Pages: 304
Format: Paperback
Publication: June 2000
Edition: Reprint
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Other books by Bill Bryson

1. "Walkabout: ""A Walk in the Woods"", ""Down Under""" Hardcover (2002/10/01)
2. A Really Short History of Nearly Everything Hardcover (October 2009)
3. A Really Short History of Nearly Everything Hardcover, 2008
4. A Really Short History of Nearly Everything Hardcover, 2003 (2003)
5. A Short History of Nearly Everything Paperback (September 2004)
6. A Short History of Nearly Everything Hardcover (May 2003)
7. A Short History of Nearly Everything Paperback (October 2010)
8. A Short History of Nearly Everything MP3 Book (October 2006)
9. A Short History of Nearly Everything MP3 Book (November 2007)
10. A Short History of Nearly Everything MP3 on CD, 2006 (February 2006)
11. A Short History of Nearly Everything Other Format, 2007 (2006)
12. A Short History of Nearly Everything Other Format, 2006
13. A Short History of Nearly Everything Audio Cassette, 2003 (2003/10/28)
14. A Short History of Nearly Everything Unknown Binding (February 2006)
15. A Short History of Nearly Everything Audio Cassette, 2003 (2003/10/07)
16. A Short History of Nearly Everything Library Binding

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