Goosebumps The Movie: Slappy's Revenge: Twisted Tricks from the World's Smartest Dummy

THE GOOSEBUMPS MOVIE captures the chills, thrills, and giggles of Scholastic's original bestselling series. Jack Black stars as author R. L. Stine. Get inside the twisted but hilarious brain of Slappy, the genius dummy who is undoubtedly R. L. Stine's most nefarious creation. This is Slappy's exclusive tell-all on how to wreak havoc and make mayhem. Kids will learn all his sinister and spooky secrets -- plus Slappy's favorite jokes, quizzes, top-ten lists, and much more. It's everything kids need to make some serious mischief.

Author(s): Jason Heller  

ISBN 10: 0545821258
ISBN 13: 9780545821254
Pages: 96
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