Desilusion Con Dios: Three Questions No One Asks Aloud

Philip Yancey has a gift for articulating the knotty issues of faith. In Disappointment with God, he poses three questions that Christians wonder but seldom ask aloud: Is God unfair? Is he silent? Is he hidden? This insightful and deeply personal book points to the odd disparity between our concept of God and the realities of life. Why, if God is so hungry for relationship with us, does he seem so distant? Why, if God cares for us, do bad things happen? What can we expect from God after all? Yancey answers these questions with clarity, honesty, and biblical assurance. He points us beyond life's disappointments and the cynicism they can breed to a stronger, wiser faith, a confidence in God's deep love for us, and a thirst to reach not just for what God gives, but for who God is.

Author(s): Yancey, Philip  

ISBN 10: 0829758208
ISBN 13: 9780829758207
Pages: 208
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