Bloodring (Rogue Mage Series #1)

In a novel filled with lush imagery and exhilarating action, Faith Hunter creates a near-future world caught in the throes of an ambiguous apocalypse - where a woman with everything to hide finds her true destiny revealed.

As humanity struggles with religious strife and seraphs and demons fight a never-ending battle, a new species has arisen. "Neomages" are human in appearance, but able to twist left-over creation energy to their will. A threat to both humans and seraphs, they are confined in luxurious Enclaves.

Thorn St. Croix is no ordinary neomage. Nearly driven insane by her powers, she is smuggled out of an Enclave and now lives among humans, channeling her gift of stone-magery into jewelry making. But when Thaddeus Bartholomew, a dangerously attractive policeman, tells her that her ex-husband has been kidnapped, Thorn risks revealing her identity to find him. And for Thorn, the punishment for revelation is death.

Author(s): Faith Hunter  

ISBN 10: 0451462416
ISBN 13: 9780451462411
Pages: 336
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Other books by Faith Hunter

1. Black Arts
2. Blood Cross
3. Blood in Her Veins
4. Blood of the Earth
5. Blood Trade (Jane Yellowrock Series #6)
6. Broken Soul (Jane Yellowrock)
7. Curse on the Land
8. Dark Heir
9. Death's Rival (Jane Yellowrock Series #5)
10. Host (Rogue Mage Series #3)
11. Jane Yellowrock, Tome 4 : La malédiction du corbeau
12. Kicking It
13. Mercy Blade
14. Raven Cursed (Jane Yellowrock Series #4)
15. Seraphs (Rogue Mage Series #2)
16. Shadow Rites
17. Skinwalker
18. Skinwalker: A Jane Yellowrock Novel

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