A Godward Life : Savoring the Supremacy of God in All of Life

<i>A Godward Life</i> is the first of three devotional volumes by John Piper, each feature 120 vignettes that focus on the radical difference it makes when we choose to live with God at the center of all that we do. Scripture-soaked and touching on the issues which most affect our lives today, <i>A Godward Life</i> is a passionate, moving, and articulate call for all believers to live their lives in conscious and glad submission to the sovereignty and glory of God.

Author(s): John Piper  

ISBN 10: 1576738396
ISBN 13: 9781576738399
Pages: 336
Format: Paperback
Publication: 2001/09/01
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Other books by John Piper

1. "Love your enemies" Paperback (1992/01/01)
2. "Love your enemies" Hardcover (January 1979)
3. 50 Crucial Questions
4. A God-Entranced Vision of All Things: The Legacy of Jonathan Edwards Paperback (August 2004)
5. A Godward Life Hardcover (August 1992)
6. A Godward Life Two Hardcover (1999/10/01)
7. A Godward Life: Savoring the Supremacy of God in All of Life Hardcover (1997/09/01)
8. A Hunger for God Paperback (April 2013)
9. A Hunger for God: Desiring God Through Fasting and Prayer Paperback (July 1997)
10. A Hunger for God: Desiring God Through Fasting and Prayer Compact Disc (September 2006)
11. A Hunger for God: Desiring God Through Fasting and Prayer Paperback (1997/11/21)
12. A Peculiar Glory
13. A Sweet & Bitter Providence Audio Compact Disc - Unabridged (January 2010)

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