20,000 Secrets of Tea: The Most Effective Ways to Benefit from Nature's Healing Herbs

Fight Colds and Flu Lower Cholesterol Beat Depression Banish Fatigue Enhance Memory Lose Weight And More!

An ancient Chinese legend: Once there was a man who knew 100,000 healing properties of herbs. He taught his son 80,000 secrets. On his deathbed, he told his son to visit his grave in five years, and there he would find the other 20,000 secrets. When the son went to his father's grave, he found, growing on the site, the tea shrub....

Teas are the gentle, natural, most beneficial way to absorb the healing properties of herbs—easily and inexpensively. A simple cup of tea not only has the power to soothe and relax but to deliver healing herbal agents to the bloodstream more quickly than capsules, tinctures, or infusions. Feeling tired? Rose hip tea will rev you up and beautify your skin. Need some help with your diet? Ginger tea will provide the boost you need and help aching joints too. Hot or iced, these pure and simple drinks offer delicious ways to stay healthy and revitalize you from the inside out. This unique guide offers:

An A-Z listing of common ailments followed by the teas best used to treat them Instructions on how to create your own medicinal kitchen Advice on creating your own tea blends Descriptions of the top 100 herbs and their secret healing properties And much, much more!

Author(s): Victoria Zak  

ISBN 10: 0440235294
ISBN 13: 9780440235293
Pages: 272
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