Women Who Sexually Abuse Children

Until recently, the topic of female sexual offenders remained under-researched, and many incorrect assumptions and beliefs still surround the subject. This book is organised in to five parts around eleven chapters. It provides a comprehensive overview of the latest research in this often overlooked area and discusses both adult female offenders and adolescents/younger children who commit sexual offences against children. After an in-depth evaluation of research literature, the author then considers a range of treatment approaches and directions for future research.

Author(s): Hannah Ford  

ISBN 10: 0470015748
ISBN 13: 9780470015742
Pages: 204
Format: Paperback
Publication: September 2006
Edition: 1
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Other books by Hannah Ford

1. Design in the Twentieth Century: Post-Modernism (1990s) Paperback (2000)
2. International Architecture Centres Paperback (2003/03/28 )
3. Post-modernism and the Future (90s) (20th Century Design) Hardcover (1999)
4. The 90s: The Digital Age (20th Century Design Series), Vol. 6 Library Binding (January 2000)
5. Women Who Sexually Abuse Children Hardcover

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