Management Cases, Revised Edition

<blockquote> <p>The companion to Drucker's seminal work <b>Management, completely revised and updated</b></p> </blockquote> <p><b>Management Cases, Revised Edition</b> is a collection of thought-provoking case studies—each a timeless representative of a challenge that all managers will face at some point in their careers. Longtime Drucker colleague, collaborator, and eminent management professor Joseph A. Maciariello has organized the material to be used in conjunction with <b>Management, Revised Edition</b>, making the book particularly useful in undergraduate, MBA, and executive education classrooms.</p> <p>It contains fifteen completely new cases written especially for this edition plus another thirty-five revised and updated cases, ensuring that the book provides comprehensive coverage of the most important management dilemmas and most timeless leadership wisdom. An essential resource for business students and working professionals alike, the book will help readers test and hone their management skills.</p>

Author(s): Peter F. Drucker  

ISBN 10: 0061435155
ISBN 13: 9780061435157
Pages: 256
Format: Paperback
Publication: December 2008
Edition: Revised Edition
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Other books by Peter F. Drucker

1. 21 shi ji de guan li tiao zhan ('Management Challenges for the 21st Century' in Traditional Chinese Characters) (March 2000)
2. A Functioning Society Hardcover (February 2011)
3. A Functioning Society: Selections from Sixty-Five Years of Writing on Community, Society, and Polity Hardcover (November 2002)
4. Administracion y Futuro: de Los 90 En Adelante (1996/09/01)
5. Adventures of a Bystander Paperback (January 1994)
6. Adventures of a Bystander Hardcover (1979/01/01)
7. Adventures of a Bystander: Memoirs of People and Places Hardcover (1991/02/01)
8. Age of Discontinuit Hardcover (1969/01/01)
9. America's next twenty years Hardcover (1972/06/01)
10. Classic Drucker
11. Classic Drucker Paperback (March 25, 2008)
12. Concept of the Corporation Paperback (January 1993)
13. Concept of the Corporation Paperbound (1983/03/01)
14. Daily Drucker Hardcover (October 2004)
15. Daily Drucker: Wirtschaftswissen Zum Taglichen Gebrauch Paperback (November 2007)
16. Different Rainbows Paperback (2000/03/01)
17. Drucker on Asia (8/6/2012)
18. Drucker on Asia : A Dialogue Between Peter Drucker and Isao Nakauchi
19. Drucker on management Book (January 1970)

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