Better Homes and Gardens New Cook Book

More than 900 new recipes—1,200 in all—reflect current eating habits and lifestyles. 500 new photos—more than 700 in all—including 60 percent more of finished food than the last edition. Dozens of new recipes offer ethnic flavors, fresh ingredients, or vegetarian appeal. Many recipes feature make-ahead directions or quick-to-the-table meals. New chapter provides recipes for crockery cookers. Efficient, easy-to-read format, with recipes categorized into 21 chapters, each thoroughly indexed for easy reference. Expanded chapter on cooking basics includes advice on food safety, menu planning, table setting, and make-ahead cooking, plus a thorough glossary on ingredients and techniques.

Author(s): Jennifer Darling  

ISBN 10: 0696212900
ISBN 13: 9780696212901
Pages: 574
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