Always Maintain a Joyful Mind: And Other Lojong Teachings on Awakening Compassion and Fearlessness

<p>For centuries Tibetan Buddhists have relied on a collection of fifty-nine pith teachings (called <i>lojong</i> in Tibetan) to help them develop wisdom and compassion amid the challenges of daily living. In this book Pema Chödrön introduces these transformative teachings and offers guidance on how to make them part of our everyday lives.</p> <p>The <i>lojong</i> teachings include: "Always maintain only a joyful mind," "Don't be swayed by external circumstances," "Don't be so predictable," and "Be grateful to everyone." Each slogan is followed by Pema Chödrön's accessible and succinct commentary on how to understand and apply it.</p> <p>This book also features a forty-five-minute audio program entitled "Opening the Heart," in which Pema Chödrön offers in-depth instruction on <i>tonglen</i> meditation, a powerful practice that anyone can undertake to awaken compassion for oneself and others.</p>

Author(s): Pema Chodron  

ISBN 10: 1590304608
ISBN 13: 9781590304600
Pages: 128
Format: Hardcover
Publication: July 2007
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Other books by Pema Chodron

1. 2009 Pema Chödrön Datebook Calendar Calendar (7/10/2008)
2. 2011 Pema Chodron Engagement Calendar Desk Calendar (July 2010)
3. 2011 Pema Chodron Mini Calendar Wall Calendar (July 2010)
4. 2011 Pema Chodron Wall Calendar Wall Calendar (July 2010)
5. 2012 Pema Chodron Mini Calendar (7/11/2011)
6. 2012 Pema Chodron: Awakening the Heart Wall Calendar Calendar (7/11/2011)
7. Awakening Compassion Audiobook (1995/07/01)
8. Awakening Compassion: Meditation Practice for Difficult Times Audio (2000/08/31)
9. Awakening Loving-Kindness Paperback (November 1996)
10. Bodhisattva Mind: Teachings to Cultivate Courage and Awareness in the Midst of Suffering Compact Disc (October 2006)
11. Comfortable with Uncertainty Hardcover (2008/10/25)
12. Comfortable with Uncertainty: 108 Teachings Audio (2002/09/06)
13. Comfortable with Uncertainty: 108 Teachings on Cultivating Fearlessness and Compassion Paperback (December 2003)
14. Comfortable with Uncertainty: 108 Teachings on Cultivating Fearlessness and Compassion Paperbound (4/8/2008)
15. Compassion Box: Book, CD, and Card Deck Other Format (October 2008)
16. Cuando todo se derrumba: Palabras sabias para momentos dificiles (6/29/2012)
17. Don't Bite the Hook: Finding Freedom from Anger, Resentment, and Other Destructive Emotions Compact Disc (July 2007)
18. From Fear to Fearlessness Audio Compact Disc (2003/12/15)
19. Getting Unstuck: Library Edition Audio (April 01, 2009)
20. Good Medicine: How to Turn Pain into Compassion with Tonglen Meditation Compact Disc (March 2001)

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