Author Jose Henriquez

Jose Henriquez

Jose Henriquez was the second of seven children and began working in the mines at the age of 19. He became a qualified operator of large drilling machinery, a job that took him to work sites in several cities and at various mine locations. In 2010 he was one of 33 miners who survived the disastrous collapse of the San Jose mine located in the Atacama region of northern Chile. He played a unique role in those events as a child of God. He was able to help his companions in distress make a permanent commitment to God as they prayed and waited to be rescued. He and his wife, Blanca Hettiz, and their two daughters and one granddaughter live in the city of Talca, located in the Maule region of Chile.
SPANISH BIO: Jose Henriquez es el segundo de siete hermanos, comenzo a trabajar como minero a los 19 anos. Se capacito como Operador de Maquinaria Jumbo, perforadoras. Su oficio le llevo a trabajar en diferentes ciudades y minas. En el 2010 fue uno de los 33 mineros que sobrevivio al derrumbe de la mina San Jose en la Region de Atacama al norte de Chile. Tuvo una especial actuacion por su condicion de hijo de Dios y contribuyo a que sus companeros de desgracia, buscaran permanentemente a Dios. El, su esposa, Blanca Hettiz, sus dos hijas y una nieta, residen en la ciudad de Talca, Region del Maule, Chile.